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Phew! My Books Have Arrived!

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Today was a good day - my books arrived in plenty of time for the launch/signing on November 27 at Blue Heron Books in Uxbridge, Ontario.

You will understand my relief if you've heard about the serious paper shortage, reduction in printing presses, lack of ink, and staffing issues, that are challenging the printing industry and book production.

Thanks to the diligence of and IngramSpark, my books have been printed in plenty of time.

I am looking forward to the launch of the fourth book in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series: it has been a long time in the making and several readers have asked me on many occasions when it will be available. It's taken me about two years! It's a long time to wait to find out what's happened in Meg's world!

I've been told by some that Kelly (Meg's beloved border collie dog) is their favourite character, and she plays an important role in Playing With Fire.

I enjoy writing about Meg's relationships with animals - the horses, dogs and cats, and they demand to be included in the stories. (Check out my website for more information on my books).

If you can't join me on November 27 for the launch of my new book, it will be available as an ebook at your favourite ebook retailer, and from bookstores as a paperback. And, of course, through amazon as both an ebook and a paperback.

Tip: The four books in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series make great gifts!

Happy reading.


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