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Meet Another New Horse! And 'Bulldozer', a Story.


We had a great time at Amplify Stables where we visited with the other yearling we part own. You'll find a short video of him being exercised and a photo below the story. His race name is Audi's World. His sire is Audible who won over $2.1million in his racing career. We are excited to be part of the team that owns this wonderful horse.

My story was written for an Uxbridge Writers' Circle meeting a few years ago. The words I had to use in the piece are shown in italics. They are: management; caterpillar; stoic; watchful; chocolate; happiness. Can you write a poem using these words? It would be fun to try!


Geraldine hated the thundering noise the huge Caterpillar construction vehicles were making. She covered her ears and screamed. But no one could hear her above the roars of the intimidating machines as they changed the contours of the land Melody had owned.

Melody was more stoic but knew it had been a poor decision to come back. Geraldine had said they could pluck some happiness from the place and keep it with them. The post-Jack happiness, that is. Geraldine had grown more sentimental and emotional over the years, and it was clear that she missed their life on the farm.

They stood, shaken by the devastation of the land and the destruction of the farmhouse and old barn. It was as if part of their lives had been snuffed out: as if their experiences and adventures had been dreams and inventions. There was nothing left to ignite the memories or to validate them.

Melody regretted coming and wished they could leave, but some invisible anchor kept her in place. Geraldine stopped screaming but still held her hands over her ears as tears rolled down her round cheeks. Melody guessed what she was thinking and shuddered. There was a graveyard adjacent to where one of the bulldozers was working. Piles of stones marked the graves where they’d solemnly laid some of their beloved animals to rest, including four cats, three dogs, and a horse. They should be left in peace.

Geraldine gasped and yanked on Melody’s arm. The bulldozer was moving further south. Watchful, they clung to each other, trembling. Beads of sweat dampened Geraldine’s reddening skin. They hadn’t contemplated on the bulldozer working south of where the barn had stood.

The development company had offered less than the property was worth, but Melody had requested conditions of purchase and sale rather than an increase in the purchase price. She had demanded that the animal graveyard be left untouched and that a southern section of the property, which ran along the creek, be undisturbed—for environmental reasons. The management consultants for the project agreed, so Melody signed off on the agreement.

She had no choice but to sell. They needed the money. Melody had no pension other than those issued by governments, and Geraldine was penniless. Previously, before Jack was gone, their existence had been bearable financially, but unbearable in every other way.

Jack was buried south of the old barn. They’d reported him as a missing person, but they knew exactly where he was. Melody had shot him and managed to dig a grave in the soft earth near the creek, drag his body there, and dump him in the hole, with no remorse. She remembered walking back to the house feeling light and free. It had been the right thing to do.

Her son, Jack, had beaten his young wife Geraldine for the last time. He’d beaten her so badly that she couldn’t see out of either eye and had at least four broken ribs. Melody had tried reporting the beatings to the police, but they didn’t consider domestic violence a priority in those days. And there was nowhere for Geraldine to go—no safe haven. And she had no money of her own.

Geraldine had not been the same since that final beating. Melody was certain that she’d sustained brain damage. After she’d done what she could for her daughter-in-law’s injuries she was at a loss as to what she could do to help comfort the young woman. All she could think of was to make her a mug of hot chocolate—Geraldine’s favourite. Melody gave up everything and looked after Geraldine from that time onwards, laden with the guilt of what her son had done.

As they watched, the bulldozer headed to the section of land that must not be disturbed. Geraldine’s nails dug into Melody’s arm. She knew what Melody had done and where Jack’s bones were. But the bulldozer stopped, the belching black fumes dissipated, and its engine died. Melody guessed it had parked directly over the spot where Jack lay. She liked to think it was there to prevent him rising from the dead. She felt sure he’d been trying to.

Smiling, she turned to Geraldine and hugged her. She told her it was time to go home and she would make the hot chocolate Geraldine loved.

Vicky Earle Copyright 2023

Audi's World

Here's Audi! He's friendly and kind. Franz Crean has done an amazing job of caring for him! He has been spoiled with lots of mints!

And now he's moved to Amplify Sables. He's at school where he has been 'broken in' with TLC.

The short video shows him being ridden on the amazing training track at Amplify Stables.

He is very keen and tends to want to go too fast!

He will have a break starting in a couple of weeks and will be ridden again in the early spring. We hope he'll be ready to go to Woodbine Racetrack in late spring.

Here's the video:

Thank you for reading my post.

Please share!!

1 Comment

Oct 06, 2023

I’m beginning to think you have a dark side, Vicky!! 😂 And what a beautiful horse!

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