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Happy New Year! A New Racing Season Ahead! And Rabbit!


These are two of the beautiful horses of which we are part owners. Franz Crean bred them both. See below for more about these handsome guys.

I hope you're enjoying Love and Death (the sixth book in my Meg Sheppard Mystery Series). Please let me know what you think. I love receiving feedback and reviews. One of my goals for 2025 is to increase my readership--and reviews (especially on Amazon) help a lot! Thank you.

Here's a story that I hope you'll enjoy. I wrote it several years ago for the Uxbridge Writers' Circle (it seems I've been a member for longer than I realized!). It's another of the 'word challenge' pieces. The words I had to use are in italics.

Rabbit Out Of A Hat

My therapist said “Write about it. It will help.” And I want to do as she says, but it’s going to make matters worse.

That evening is fresh in my mind. The flaming reds, yellows and oranges of the setting sun created silhouettes of the pines. The loon called out one last haunting song as it flew out of sight. This was certainly the tranquility I’d searched so long and hard for.

To get to this point, I’d spent too long reading the reviews posted by cottage renters in Ontario’s vacation country. I’d find a cottage that met my specific criteria, read a good review, sit back with a shuddering sigh of relief and wipe the sweat off my brow, but feel compelled to read another review. The next one would be negative and not to be ignored. Such things as a backed-up septic tank, power off for a week, a broken water pump, mice in the drawers, damp beds, neighbours’ jet skis roaring past from dawn to dusk, a barking dog from dusk till dawn, and more.

I’d been a hair’s breadth away from giving up. But I needed to get away—to find some peace and quiet. To escape. I even considered going to a resort, but the idea of communal dining put me off. People always want to make a connection with you. I sought solace.

The cottage delivered on the promised tranquility. And, at first, all went smoothly. But then the rabbit showed up. He looked like a cottontail but about five times larger. His huge dark brown eyes considered me as he approached. I sat mesmerized in the cushioned wicker chair and wanted to touch the iridescent array of fascinating colours that shimmered in his fur. Entranced, I followed him down to the dock. It was more like a pier with thick teak planks supported by solid stone pillars buried deep into the lakebed—a masterpiece when it was first built. This had been the clincher for me when I was searching. Negative reviews noted safety concerns about swimming and canoeing, but I had a twenty-six-foot yacht. I’d not had the sails up yet because there’d been no wind, but some was promised for the next day, so I was excited.

But, back to the rabbit.

I followed the beckoning white tail along the pier. He hopped onto the deck of my boat, onto a seat and then out of sight. I went frantic. I could imagine what damage his large, sharp, rodent teeth could do to my immaculate boat—my pride and joy. The yacht was the only thing that was mine after the divorce. The only thing that didn’t have to be cut into two pieces and destroyed.

I looked in cupboards, searched storage compartments, and rummaged through drawers. Nothing. Then, an eerie sense of movement. I scrambled up the ladder, through the hatch, and stood on the deck gripping the railing. The rabbit sat on the dock. Both thick, indestructible mooring lines had been chewed through.

The wind picked up, the choppy water splashed against the yacht’s shiny sides, and the sun disappeared behind the pine trees. There must have been a current conspiring with the wind because the boat picked up speed and we headed for the weir. I’m a good sailor but I couldn’t get the engine started (it always started), the anchor wouldn’t hold, the sails took too long to deploy, and the emergency paddle was wrenched out of my hands.

Of course, we tumbled over the weir.

I woke up in a hospital and started talking about a devil rabbit—and haven’t stopped since. So, I’m getting therapy.

Oh, you want the truth, do you? It’s a bit different. There was no rabbit. But I did get into trouble with my yacht. The engine failed and we plunged over the weir before I could take defensive action. I came up with the demon rabbit idea when I realized I was in the hospital where Letty, the therapist, works. My regret is that I didn’t come up with a better story. I’m not the creative type. But it worked inasmuch as I get to see Letty again. She was the therapist I saw for a while after the divorce.

So, tell me—how do I convince her I’m not mad and seeing giant rabbits?

Vicky Earle Copyright 2025

A Wonderful Review!

"I just finished Love and Death.

What a treat! Your latest is definitely your best!

It was difficult to put down--just had to keep reading to find out the source of all the disasters.

Keep writing...and sharing your books with your 'old' friends."

Thank you, Judy!!

Handsome Boys

Now, I don't think you'll guess correctly which is the younger one!

All thoroughbred racehorses have an official birthday on January 1st.

Toby (Rizzmo) is on the left and he turned two years old. Audi (Audi's World) turned three. Toby is a big boy.

They are both very handsome!

They are currently on vacation but will start some preliminary training in the middle of February. I hope to take some videos to post here.

Mimi (Prized Spirit) is also on vacation at the moment.

The racing season begins on April 26 at Woodbine Racetrack.

Spring is always a time for optimism! Everyone involved in horse racing is excited about the new season and looking forward to the horses' progress.

Have you read Love and Death yet?

As you know, this is the sixth book in my Meg Sheppard Mystery Series.

It's available on Amazon. Just use my name to search (the links are different for each country!).

And, of course, in my favourite bookstore: Blue Heron (Uxbridge). But any bookstore can order it for you.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

I hope 2025 is good to you.

Happy Reading


1 Comment

Jan 14

Great story!

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