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Fifth Book Is Being Published! And 'Awesome Natural Phenomenon'!


This photograph reminds me of two dogs in my life.

We were lucky to have a black labrador as part of our family. She was called Kara.

Despite being in a kennel for the first twenty months of her life, she was a kind and gentle dog and loved by us all. We still miss her.

The other dog is fictional, named Jake. He appears again in my fifth book. See more info on this book after the story.

I hope you enjoy reading this story. It was written, as most of my stories are, for a Uxbridge Writers' Circle word challenge. The words I had to use are in italics.

Awesome Natural Phenomenon

My ears are filled with the roar of thousands of gallons of water cascading down into the rumbling pool fifty feet below me. The powerful thundering of the waterfall is unnerving as I stand, vulnerable, on the ledge. It swallows up all other sounds, rendering them insignificant, including the incessant, squeaky voice of my friend, Dan. I’d much rather have my dog, Cigar, as company than this self-obsessed, old man who, although fit and healthy, talks about nothing but his aches and pains, fears and doubts. And I have no way of escaping from his side.

I left Cigar at home in Canada. If someone were to ask me who my best friend is, there would be no need for contemplation. Cigar is trustworthy and faithful, standing by me through thick and thin. He was a stray but lucked-out and found himself in a foster home with a woman who knows how to train dogs. It was about this time that I thought I needed some special canine companionship, and I haven’t looked back. My relationship with him has literally changed my life.

By way of tugging on Dan’s sleeve and gesticulating, I tell him that I want to leave. He is reluctant, I can tell, although I can’t hear what he’s saying. We’ve only been here two minutes. I think he planned to take a lot of photographs to share with the world. I have no interest in photographs.

A sense of nostalgia waves over me as the smell of the damp rocks, which are hard and smooth below my feet, fills my nostrils. It reminds me of fuller days when I camped and canoed in Algonguin Park.

I focus on making my way back along the ledge. As soon as we’re out of the noise zone sufficiently for a conversation, Dan tells me I must be crackers. We’ve come all this way because I wanted to experience this wonder, this awesome natural phenomenon, but I want to go home after only two minutes. He demands to know why we talked and planned for hours, and why he has so many dog-eared maps and pamphlets for just two minutes. I sense anger and frustration. Now I really want out of here.

He tries to convince me to stay longer, to try another accessible trail that leads to the rapids further along the river, but all I want to do is to go home and be reunited with Cigar. Dan has no patience with this, but since I’m paying for everything and he’s here as my traveling companion, he has no choice.

Relief engulfs me as I touch the top of Cigar’s head, and he guides me with calm confidence to the parking garage. My brief trip away has made it crystal clear to me that he is my right-hand man, he’s the spark-plug in my engine. I can’t live without him and don’t want to.

Philippa, his foster mom, has brought him to the airport to greet me. Thanks to Philippa, he’s a fully qualified guide dog for the visually impaired, despite his naturally rambunctious nature. He takes his work seriously and Philippa and I are proud of him.

I won’t be going anywhere without Cigar ever again. He’s the only awesome natural phenomenon I need to experience in my life.

Vicky Earle Copyright 2023

Fifth Book in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series!

The fifth book has 'left the building' to have a cover designed and the interior formatted by professionals before being sent to e-book retailers and printers.

I am hoping for a book launch at the beginning of June and you're all invited of course. I'll share details as soon as they are available.

Here's the blurb on my new book Dying for Money:

A racehorse owner and gambler is dead.

A suspect turns to Meg, desperate for her support.

As Meg investigates, quirky characters bring danger and pain to her family, including her beloved dog, Kelly.

Meanwhile, Meg struggles to help thirty unwanted racehorses and faces a personal crisis that may defeat her.

I hope this makes you want to read it!!

I'm looking forward to seeing you at Blue Heron Books in June!

1 commentaire

03 avr. 2023

I have to wait until JUNE?!?! 😂

Lovely story. I can’t imagine the challenges of being sight-impaired

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