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'Bianca'; and Mimi Has Arrived At Woodbine Racetrack!


The 'story' Bianca was written several years ago. I hadn't realized I'd written two stories set in an art gallery! (See earlier post for the story 'Holes').

The words I had to use are shown in italics and are psychedelic; benevolent; translucent; former; bland; rogue.

The word 'psychedelic' brought art to mind, and that's how the story started, I had no idea where it would go. I don't pre-plan my stories, I just let them happen: it's more fun that way!

At the end of the story is a short video of It's a Fluke finishing a timed work he did on April 6, and a short video of Mimi (Prized Spirit) eating carrots. You might think she's eaten too many since she looks the same colour.


James stood in front of the swirls of colour, randomly intertwining, threatening to jump off the canvas. So, this is psychedelic art, he muttered as he slapped the catalogue against his thigh. He let out a sigh and turned away, unable to appreciate either the vibrancy or the creativity mentioned in the catalogue.

            “I heard that sigh. I’m Mandy Burrows, gallery owner.”

            “James Fender.”

            “Allow me to show you a piece that might capture your interest.”

            “Thank you.” James would have much preferred to be at home, sipping a single malt in solitary peace and quiet. But his benevolent donation of five million dollars to the children’s hospital had triggered compelling pleas from hundreds of charities. It wasn't easy to turn them down. So, he was at an art sale after a long day, to support a family counselling charity he’d only just heard of.

            Mandy beckoned him into a smaller room off to the side. A large piece dominated the wall immediately ahead. James gazed at the portrait of a young woman whose face appeared translucent. Her sad, green eyes were captivating and seemed to reflect the shimmering green dress that surrounded her in soft folds.

            “You might think this more traditional than the former painting, but the artist has used innovative techniques to capture light and texture. I think the effect is haunting,” Mandy said.

            “Who’s the artist? Is he here?” James couldn’t pull his eyes away from the piece.

            “She. She signs her paintings with a characteristic ‘B’. Her name is Bianca. I’ll see if I can find her.”

            James absent-mindedly took a glass of cool, effervescing champagne from a tray as it appeared in front of him, but his eyes remained fixed on the painting. He reminded himself that he had no appreciation of art, preferring a calm, bland environment in which to unwind after a long, hard business day.

            Bianca’s soft, warm hand appeared and he turned to acknowledge her. He let out a faint gasp. He hadn’t anticipated that he’d be staring at the same face as depicted in the picture.

            “It’s a self-portrait.” Bianca laughed, tossing her soft brown curls behind her shoulders. “You look shocked.”

            “Surprised, perhaps.” James felt a strange heat in his cheeks.

            Bianca was much more social and talkative than James had imagined an artist would be. They moved to one of the high tables, grabbing a couple of glasses of champagne on the way. Despite his natural reserve, he opened up and told her about how his father had made millions mostly by being a rogue and a swindler, and how he, James, had used the money to create a fortune, stressing that he followed ethical business practices. His mission was to give back to the community, perhaps to make amends for his father’s behaviour.

            Bianca shared that, when she was young, her father lost everything in a get-rich-quick diamond-mining project someone convinced him to put all his money into, but which turned out to be a scam. Her mother became deeply depressed and eventually committed suicide. Bianca found solace in writing and drawing, and then painting in oils. The self-portrait was requested by her father, who died the previous year. Bianca donated the picture to this event since she saw more of herself than she cared to every day in the mirror. Her melodious laugh echoed softly around the large, nearly empty gallery.

            “I want to give back to the family counseling charity which helped my father through the death of his wife and the loss of his wealth.”

            James’ insides were churning enough to make him feel nauseous. He could guess who Bianca’s father was. But he wouldn’t let his face or body language give him away.  

            “Are you looking for patrons or sponsors for your art?” James asked as he finished his third glass of champagne with a steady hand.

            “Of course. I don’t know an artist who isn’t.” Her laugh sparkled like the champagne. James looked into her green eyes and turned away as his cheeks flushed again. He was taken aback by the relief and excitement he felt—now that he knew how to make amends for some of his father’s malevolence.  

            “I’d like to visit your studio and talk. Here’s my card. Give me a call to set something up. I have to find Mandy. I have a painting to buy.”

Vicky Earle Copyright 2024

Prized Spirit and It's a Fluke at Woodbine Racetrack!


Mimi (racing name Prized Spirit) exercised at 7 am on April 6 and we couldn't make it to Woodbine in time to see her run, but we were able to feed her a few carrots. As you can see, she really enjoys them.

Apparently, she's living up to her name and showing 'spirit' when she's training. She's been learning all about the starting gate and likes to give a couple of bucks when the gate opens.

Banach Racing trained her mother and says Mimi has her mother's feistiness.

We're looking forward to watching how this beautiful filly develops.

This is It's a Fluke finishing his timed work: he galloped for 3 furlongs and he was officially timed by the clockers. That work and time will show in his statistics in future racing programs.

The jockey, Sahin Civaci, rode him.

We were all pleased with the work, including Fluke, who didn't look tired and ate several carrots with relish afterwards He'd stop beside us as he was being walked around the shedrow to cool out, and ask us for more. He knows we have carrots!

He's not far away from being ready to race. We're keeping our fingers crossed that all continues to go well for this big, handsome guy.

I'd love to grow my readership for my posts - please share and let your friends and family know that I'd like to add them to my mailing list. As you know, they won't be bombarded with emails from me!

Thank you very much.


1 Comment

Apr 08, 2024

I’m thinking of investing my ill-gotten fortune in carrots! 😂

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