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About Vicky

Vicky Earle lives on a small horse farm near Uxbridge, Ontario, with her husband. This is where they raised two sons.


The farm has been home to many dogs, all of which were rescues or unwanted adults. Finch is Top Dog  and his BFF is Raven. Marmalade is Top Cat and is in charge of the house. Cricket and Brownie are the barn cats. There have been as many as three dogs and six cats living together at the farm in the past.


The first horse to arrive was a Paint called Eagle Bullet who was a joy to ride. He was trustworthy, honest, and faithful. Vicky still misses him.

Soon after his arrival, Vicky and her husband became partners in owning a thoroughbred racehorse called Oriental Queen. She won her first race after she was claimed and Vicky and her husband were hooked!


Vicky’s experience with owning and breeding thoroughbred racehorses, as well as country life, inspired her to write the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series. There are five novels in the series and one more in the works.


Vicky also draws on the knowledge she gained as CEO of the Ontario SPCA which rescued, treated, and re-homed an incredible variety of animals, sometimes with the help of partners such as the Toronto Zoo, rescue organizations, farmers, and others. The Ontario SPCA also ran a wildlife centre that rehabilitated and released many native Ontario species.

It was clear to Vicky that animal cruelty is linked to human violence, and she launched a couple of programs in cooperation with other agencies based on this. She mentions one (briefly) in one of the books.


Animals have always been a big part of Vicky’s life. She couldn’t imagine writing a book without including some. Kelly is an important character in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series, and Vicky has received inquiries about her from readers. She’s too modest to tell you the role she plays in helping Meg. She would rather you read the books and found out for yourself!

A bit more information on Vicky’s career: Vicky and her husband emigrated from England after they graduated from university, and Vicky was fortunate to be hired by the Ontario Government. A few years later, Vicky and her husband left for Rochester, Minnesota. Their first son was born shortly before leaving Canada and the second was born in Rochester.


The family returned to Ontario two years later, and Vicky accepted an offer to become a Nursing Home Administrator. She was enrolled in an MBA program specializing in health services.


Her next position was Manager of Administrative Services, Department of Social Services, Regional Municipality of Durham. Less than two years later, Vicky was promoted to Director, Services for Seniors, and was responsible for Durham’s three homes for the aged.


After about ten years, Vicky was hired by the Ontario SPCA and over 7 years later she moved to the position of CEO for the Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services, representing Ontario’s 21 children’s treatment centres.


About three years later, she moved to the position of Executive Director, Grandview Children’s Centre in Oshawa (shorter commute!) and eventually also assumed the position of Executive Director, Grandview Children’s Foundation.


Vicky is now ‘retired’, i.e. working on the farm, involved in horse racing, enjoying family (especially grandchildren) and writing!


Vicky is a member of Sisters in Crime (National), and Sisters in Crime Toronto Chapter, and a Coordinator for Uxbridge Writers’ Circle.



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